R Course
Dates: | 31 January 2019 - 1 February 2019 |
Times: | 09:00 - 17:00 |
What is it: | Workshop |
Organiser: | Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health |
Who is it for: | University staff, Current University students |
Dear all – I will be re-running my 2-day “introduction to R for Psychology" course next semester and would like to invite those in DPMH who are interested in learning more about statistical programming in R to have the opportunity to do so. The course is aimed at academic staff and research fellows, but if you have any post docs or PhD students who are interested in learning R I’m happy for them to come along too. I’ve delivered a version of this course previously to colleagues in DNEP and to Psychology staff and postgraduates at other Universities (as well as teaching a more extensive version of this course to the Psychology MRes students). I teach R in the context of open and reproducible science, reflecting the changes to the research landscape that have occurred in our discipline over the last few years.
The course assumes no previous R or programming experience and will run over two days on January 31st and February 1st. The morning session each day will consist of a 2-hour seminar, and the afternoon session of a 2-hour hands-on workshop where you’ll be programming/visualizing/analyzing data in R.
Over the 2 days we’ll cover the following topics:
- R, RStudio, and R Markdown in the context of open and reproducible science.
- The Tidyverse workflow and Tidyverse packages (e.g., dplyr, tidyr) for generating descriptives, data tidying, and data wrangling.
- Tidyverse packages for data visualisation (incl. RDI plots) and animated graphs for representing time series data using the new gganimate package.
- the linear model in the context of regression and AN©OVA, and linear mixed models (using mainly the lme4 package) for a combination of fixed and random effect designs (incl. for ordinal data and data drawn from Gaussian, gamma, and binomial distributions).
The course will be limited in numbers so if you’d like to sign up (or if you have a post doc or PhD student who is interested in signing up), please let me know sooner rather than later - it would also be helpful for you to indicate what (if any) R experience you have – from “None at all” to “Even my dreams render in R Markdown”.
I'll fill the places on a first come first served basis. Any questions, just shout!
best wishes
Andrew J. Stewart
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