Japanese Studies: Kyoko Mimura (PhD candidate, Ochanomizu University) Automatic GE chairs & images of Japanese women
Dates: | 3 December 2014 |
Times: | 14:00 - 16:00 |
What is it: | Seminar |
Organiser: | School of Arts, Languages and Cultures |
Who is it for: | University staff, Adults, Alumni, Current University students, General public |
Kyoko Mimura (PhD candidate, Ochanomizu University) University Place 6.210
Automatic GE chairs & images of Japanese women
In this presentation, I'm going to talk about socio-cultural characteristics of Japanese OB/GYN (obstetrics and gynaecology) practice which become visible through an analysis of artefacts used in such practice. The focus of this analysis will be the gynaecological examination (GE) table known as 'naishin-dai'. Modern naishin-dai is a highly sophisticated technological device, which can automatically transport the patient to right in front of the doctor, raises her body, and positions her for the GEs. This, together with a curtain drawn between the doctor and the patient, is considered 'patient-friendly' despite the arrangement reducing the patient's autonomy. What makes the development of such high-tech naishin-dai and the arrangement of the GE room legitimate? With reference to interviews conducted to manufacturer/distributor personnel and medical practitioners, we will look at the gender politics of GE table development and GE practice in Japan.
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