Get ready for our 6th Annual Careers in Humanitarianism Day!
Are you considering a career in the humanitarian sector? If so, join us for a fantastic day of presentations, discussion and advice from current leaders in the field of humanitarianism. This will be a great opportunity to meet the experts, network and find out what possibilities are open to you.
Programme Schedule:
8:30 – 9:00 Registration –Roscoe Building Foyer
9:00 – 9:15 Introduction and Schedule - Roscoe Lecture Theatre A
Alexandra Brock, Careers Day Committee
9:15 - 10:15 Plenary 1 - Roscoe Lecture Theatre A
The Complex Impacts of Climate Change on Humanitarianism
Topic: How will climate change affect humanitarian work both as catalyst and context.
Chair: Johan Oldekop – Global Development Institute @ University of Manchester
Steve Jordan - Operation Florian
Alfredo Stein - University of Manchester
Farah Ahmad - Human Relief Foundation
Joanna Post - UNFCCC
10:15 - 11:00 Plenary 2 - Roscoe A
Young Professionals in Humanitarianism
Topic: A panel of young professionals from across the humanitarian space come together to discuss their early career tracks and give advice to
those who will soon be in their shoes.
Chair: Michael DeLue
Zoë van Schoor
Louise Tomkow
Milli Cooper
Olivia Blinn
Sarah Lagot Odwong
11:00-11:30 Access Break - tea and coffee in foyer
Expo begins in Room 2.5
11:30 – 12:30 Breakout Sessions
Operations Session 1 – Roscoe A
Operations and the British Red Cross
Topic: We delve into an often under-reported angle of humanitarian work: operations. We’re joined by two colleagues from the British Red Cross
to explore the processes, policies, structures and tensions that drive the work of humanitarian organisations on an everyday basis.
Chair: Larissa Fast – HCRI
Gemma Blakey – Global Emergencies Logistics Officer – British Red Cross
Cara Treasure – UK Recovery and Resilience – British Red Cross
Medic Session - Room 2.3
Perspectives in Humanitarian Health
Topic: The activities of humanitarian health professionals range from innovations in research, to the deployment of emergency medical response
teams, long-term community health programming and to health infrastructure development. This session seeks to capture the experiences of
individuals who have worked in this sector and who are passionate about enabling people to achieve their full potential and lead productive lives
with dignity according to their own health needs and choices.
Chair: Alex Starkey – Msc International Disaster Management
Gareth Owen - Save the Children UK
Dr. Darren Walter - The University of Manchester Humanitarian Conflict Response Institute (HCRI)
Elizabeth Marmont - UKMed
Dawn Byng - International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)
12:30 - 13:45 Lunch - Roscoe Foyer
12:30 - 13:45 Expo - Room 2.5
13:45 - 14:45 Breakout Sessions
Operations Session 2 – Roscoe Lecture Theatre A
The backbone of humanitarian operations
Topic: Joined by three well-seasoned humanitarians, we investigate their professional journey, with a focus on how they started out, progressed,
and what barriers they had to overcome. We also question the challenges and possibilities of mobility and employability for a career move away
from the humanitarian sector.
Chair: Nat O’Grady – HCRI
William Vannier – Former Supply Chain Director – Médecins Sans Frontières
James Yates – Procurement and Logistics officer – Mines Advisory Group (MAG)
Milli Cooper – Executive Officer with Save the Children UK
6th Form Session - Room 2.3
Topic: The session is designed for those currently in high school who are thinking about studying humanitarianism. It will introduce HCRI’s BSc in
International Disaster Management and Humanitarian Response and feature reflections from students currently studying on the degree programme.
It will also highlight the importance of volunteering to people thinking about a humanitarian career and include suggestions for how you can get
involved in volunteering.
Dr. Róisín Read - The University of Manchester Humanitarian Conflict Response Institute (HCRI)
HCRI Student Ambassadors: Isabelle Kidder (Year 3) Jacob Huggins (Year 2) and Matilda Shannon (Year 1)
Volunteer Opportunities: Farah Ahmed - Human Relief Foundation
15:00 - 16:00 Plenary 3 - Roscoe A
Good Research & Research for Good
Topic: How do academics inside and outside of the university space support and shape the ongoing work of humanitarianism and how do
practitioners take that research on board in practice.
Chair: Michael DeLue – MSc International Disaster Management
David Wightwick - UK-Med
Louise Tomkow - The University of Manchester Humanitarian Conflict Response Institute (HCRI)
Dr. Jessica Field-Jindal School of International Affairs
16:00 - 16:15 Closing remarks - Roscoe Lecture Theatre A
Bertrand Taithe - Head of HCRI
16:15 – 17:00 Roscoe Foyer - Networking session
Get your event ticket here:
We look forward to welcoming you on the day.