Mitchell Centre Seminar Series
Dates: | 8 February 2017 |
Times: | 16:00 - 17:30 |
What is it: | Seminar |
Organiser: | School of Social Sciences |
Who is it for: | University staff, Current University students |
Speaker: | Stephen Pryke |
Speaker: Stephen Pryke, Senior Lecturer at UCL
Title: Using SNA to understand self-organising communication and information exchange networks in a £600BN rail infrastructure project
I will present the findings of a 2 year research project carried out with Transport for London. We used SNA to analyse functional relationships in a £600M rail infrastructure project. Our study took place during the design phase of the project and the client for the research project was also doing a separate PhD under my supervision- an auto ethnographic study of routines in the project management context.
The presentation will outline the findings of a pilot study which established the principle of ‘dysfunctional prominence’. The main study moved on to exploring aspects of self organizing in projects. There are some important implications for the way in which major infrastructure projects are procured and managed in the future.
The research project was funded by central government through the Innovate UK programme – Knowledge Transfer Partnership initiatives. The study used a collaborative data analysis process involving research team and research collaborators. This coupled with the complementary doctoral research provided some very rich data analysis.
Stephen Pryke
Role: Senior Lecturer
Organisation: UCL
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