Software Techniques for Energy Conservation on High-End Computing Systems
Dates: | 21 March 2012 |
Times: | 14:00 - 15:30 |
What is it: | Seminar |
Speaker: Professor Dimitris Nikolopoulos. Queen's University Belfast
Host: Rizos Sakellariou
This talk will present a stack of software techniques and tools for conserving energy on high-end computing systems. We will present techniques for optimisation of energy efficiency at two scales, the node level and the cluster level. We will first discuss multi-dimensional adaptation of parallel programs using dynamic performance prediction.
We will show how such adaptation enables significant improvement in both performance and energy efficiency for code running on nodes with shared memory.
We will then examine performance and energy models based on analysis of the interaction effects between communicating tasks on clusters. We will show how these models, combined with node-level adaptation, enable optimisation of energy efficiency of MPI and hybrid MPI/OpenMP code running on large-scale systems. The last part of the talk will ongoing and future software research directions for energy conservation at scale.
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Lecture Theatre 1.4
Kilburn Building