CoDE Webinar: Hegemonic Mainstream Populism and State Racism in Britain and France
Dates: | 22 April 2021 |
Times: | All day |
What is it: | Webinar |
Organiser: | Centre on Dynamics of Ethnicity (CoDE) |
Who is it for: | University staff, External researchers, Adults, Alumni, Current University students, General public |
Speaker: | Steve Garner |
The rise of right populist nationalist parties, described as a ‘silent counter-revolution’ (Ignazi, 1992) has indeed succeeded in shifting mainstream agendas, particularly on particular topics (immigration, ‘security’, and in Europe, the EU as an ‘elite project). We have observed authoritarian logics and practices implemented with local variations in the UK, the USA, France, India, Hungary, Brazil, etc. in recent years. Race and nation lie at the heart of right populist projects, and the State now engages explicitly in discrediting frameworks that provide anti-racist critiques. Two recent examples we will develop are British state discourses on ‘institutional racism’, and how Islamophobia in France has been managed by the state. Should we understand these types of project as desperate crisis reactions to the rise in popular engagement with racisms as critiques of power; or as elements of right populist nationalism’s next incarnation as it seeks a return to its authoritarian roots?
Steve Garner
Role: Senior Research Fellow
Organisation: Cardiff University
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