Cell behaviour underlying neurogenesis in the developing spinal cord
Dates: | 28 March 2014 |
Times: | 11:00 - 12:00 |
What is it: | Seminar |
Organiser: | Faculty of Life Sciences |
Who is it for: | University staff |
Speaker: | Raman Das |
Newborn neurons in the developing vertebrate central nervous system must delaminate from the neuroepithlium, a step that involves loss of apical polarity and is essential for generation of normal tissue architecture. However, little is known about the cell behaviour driving this critical cell state transition. In this talk I will describe our use of high-resolution live imaging in chick neural tube to uncover a form of cell subdivision that mediates rapid loss of the apical membrane and dis-assembly of the sonic-hedgehog transducing primary cilium prior to delamination. This process, which takes place in both chick and mouse, is dependent on actin-myosin contraction and is characterised by declining levels of N-cadherin, regulated by the proneural factor Neurog2.
Raman Das
Organisation: University of Dundee
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