Developing online research resources: ManReg’s disproportionality database
Dates: | 28 April 2014 |
Times: | 16:00 - 18:00 |
What is it: | Seminar |
Organiser: | School of Law |
How much: | Free |
Who is it for: | Adults, Alumni, Current University students, General public, University staff |
Speaker: | Debbie Ellen, Aneez Esmail, Graham Smith |
ManReg’s disproportionality database, one of the outputs of a University of Manchester Research Institute 2013 pump priming collaborative research project, went live on 11 March 2014. Researchers based in the School of Law, Institute of Population Health and Pharmacy School, together with the University Equality and Diversity Team, investigated disproportionality on grounds of ethnicity in five professions. Reference Manager bibliographic software, which allows more than one researcher to access data at any one time, was used to organise the data across the University. With over 1500 records stored on the database, it was decided to make the resource available online in the expectation that it would be useful to researchers and practitioners working in the field and continue to grow.
Debbie Ellen
Role: Information Management Consultant
Organisation: The University of Manchester
Aneez Esmail
Role: Associate Vice President for Social Responsibility
Organisation: The University of Manchester
Graham Smith
Role: Senior Lecturer in Regulation
Organisation: The University of Manchester
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