MIOIR & MUI Joint Seminar - Innovation for the masses: How to share the benefits of the high-tech economy
Dates: | 27 November 2023 |
Times: | 15:30 - 16:30 |
What is it: | Talk |
Organiser: | Alliance Manchester Business School |
How much: | Free |
Who is it for: | University staff, External researchers, Alumni, Current University students, General public |
Join us Manchester Institute of Innovation Research and Manchester Urban Institute with Neil Lee, Professor of Economic Geography at the LSE and Professor II at the Inland University of Norway.
Register via Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/mioir-mui-joint-seminar-with-prof-neil-lee-tickets-748457936837
Innovation for the masses: How to share the benefits of the high-tech economy
Governments invest vast sums in innovation policy. Yet, too often, highly innovative economies suffer from polarized labor markets and high levels of inequality. This book focuses on how policy can help share the benefits of innovation. Drawing on examples from across the world, the book argues that the most successful economies develop diffusive institutions – such as skills systems, translational research institutions, and firm networks – which help share the benefits of innovation.
Speaker's Bio:
Neil Lee is a Professor of Economic Geography at the LSE and Professor II at the Inland University of Norway. He is an affiliate of the International Inequalities Institute, the Centre for Economic Performance, and an Associate Member at Nuffield College, Oxford. His research has been funded by international and private sector organisations including the World Bank, OECD, the EIB, and Barclays Bank, and cited in key government documents such as the UK Levelling Up White Paper. He has held visiting positions at Columbia University, Science Po, and the University of Oxford. His book on innovation and inequality is out in early 2024 with University of California Press.
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