Join us at the Institute for Health Policy and Organisation (IHPO) seminar series on 26 May.
Register your interest on Eventbrite:
Zoom details:
Meeting ID: 997 4042 3843
Health systems are facing unprecedented socioeconomic pressures as well as responding to the ongoing strains and surges brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic. In response, health reform agendas are promoting greater collaboration and integration to resolve these issues with a variety of inter-organisational collaborations (IOCs) of different shapes and forms being promoted. Despite such an emphasis, evidence regarding the success of these various arrangements is lacking, with the links between collaboration and improved performance remaining uncertain.
To date, many examinations of IOCs have been undertaken, but the use of realist methodology has been underutilised as an approach to shed light on how and why collaboration works, and for whom it benefits.
This seminar will explore the implications of a realist review of IOCs. It will present the formulation, testing and refinement of context-mechanism-outcome configurations (CMOCs) of IOCs. In doing so the seminar will examine common mechanisms underlying IOCs to assess evidence of how risk, trust, confidence, and faith shape collaborative organisational behaviour. It will also analyse how contextual factors shape CMOC configurations, particularly how mandated or cross-sector contexts shape the development of IOCs.
The seminar will conclude arguing that the formulation of a refined realist theory of IOCs allows for greater understanding of how and why different collaborative shapes and forms work.
Ross Millar bio:
Ross is a Senior Lecturer at the Health Services Management Centre.
Since joining HSMC in 2008 Ross has developed a range research interests into quality and safety, inter-organisational collaboration, and social enterprise. Ross’s research has been funded by the British Academy, DHPRP, NIHR HS&DR, and the Health Foundation
Ross is a Programme Director for the Level 7 Senior Leader Degree Apprenticeship. He teaches across postgraduate modules in relation to leading quality and safety, understanding organisational performance, and innovation and improvement.
Other tidbits:
I often eat 500gs of pasta in one sitting
I play the trombone and dabble with synthesisers if I can get the time.
I have two elderly Shetland sheepdogs – Raffy and Monty.
Justin Aunger bio:
Justin Aunger is a Research Fellow at the Health Services Management Centre at the University of Birmingham in the UK. He is an early career researcher working with Dr. Ross Millar and the wider team on a realist evaluation of partnering as a strategy for improvement in NHS providers and stakeholders. He has an interdisciplinary background in behavioural science applied in multiple fields.
More random bits:
He once held every swimming record in my school and currently enjoys weightlifting and running! However, he is also dangerously addicted to pizza and coffee.