'ABC of Disability: Raising Awareness, Eliminating Barriers and Shaping Culture' hosted by the MMU Disabled Staff Forum
The Disabled Staff Forum at Manchester Metropolitan University are pleased and proud to host the talk 'ABC of Disability: Raising Awareness, Eliminating Barriers and Shaping Culture' by critically acclaimed Minnesota violinist, singer, songwriter and disability advocate, Gaelynn Lea on Friday, 27 September.
Gaelynn Lea engages in public speaking about disability awareness (TEDx Talks), accessibility in the arts, and living an enriching life. She has a congenital disability called osteogenesis imperfecta, or brittle bones disease. Gaelynn uses her music and growing global popularity as a platform to advocate for disabled people and to promote positive social change.
You are warmly invited to join in this exciting opportunity to hear from an award-winning musician and disability activist.
Tickets and more information available via Eventbrite
FREE event, open to ALL.
The venue (4th floor theatre in the Benzie Building) is fully accessible, with step-free access from the street.
Refreshments will be provided. If you have any specific dietary and/or access requirements, please contact l.ryder@mmu.ac.uk by 23 September 2019.
Travel and Contact Information
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4th floor theatre
Benzie Building
Higher Ormond Street