The Royal Anthropological Institute (RAI) and The University of Manchester Social Anthropology department are proud to be hosting the 5th Postgraduate conference.
This year’s conference theme is Anthropology and the Politics of Engagement.
Call for papers deadline 1 March 2015
While in a European context anthropologists have long debated the extent to which their discipline should critically engage with issues beyond academic discourse, in other cases, such as Latin America, the foundations of anthropological practice have long been rooted in national intervention projects and the defence of indigenous group rights and identities.
Ethics and engagement are constantly renegotiated and redrawn throughout the social sciences, within a wide range of scholarly practices, such as fieldwork, writing, collaborative and applied projects, public engagement and activism.
As a discipline which continues to scrutinise power relations in the 21st century, we believe that the politics of engagement is a critical theme for anthropologists to further consider and develop.
This year’s RAI postgraduate conference encourages contributions from anthropologists as well as from researchers in other related disciplines whose engaged practices involve an ethnographic approach.
Please visit our website to read the call for papers and submit an abstract:
Conference page on the RAI's website:
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June 4th -
University Place Theatre A – 10-1pm
University Place 5.211, 5.210, 5.209 – 12.30-6pm
Catering space in the ground floor foyer
June 5th -
University Place Theatre A – 12.30-5pm
University Place 3.212, 3.213, 3.214 – 8.30-12.30pm
University Place 2.220 – 11-2pm (Catered room for lunch)