Generative AI and University Futures: Seminar 2/3
Dates: | 17 May 2023 |
Times: | 15:00 - 17:00 |
What is it: | Seminar |
Organiser: | School of Environment, Education and Development |
Who is it for: | University staff, Adults, General public |
We're hosting 3 in person seminars about generative AI and university futures at the University of Manchester on Critical AI literacy (May 10th), Assessment Reform (May 17th) and Training for Academics (May 24th).
All in person from 3pm to 5pm on those dates.
We invite colleagues to propose a 5-minute conversation starter in which they informally raise an issue which can be discussed with other attendees. This would be an informal suggestion of an issue for discussion rather than an expectation of a detailed proposal or formal presentation. Each event will involve a series of these discussions with a view to opening out conversations within a small group and identifying areas for further collaboration.
Numbers will be limited to facilitate open discussion so please register as soon as you're able to confirm attendance. We will confirm registration and finalise schedules for the three events by Friday, 28 April.
How do we embed critical AI literacy in our teaching and professional training?
What are the implications of generative AI for equity and social justice?
What are the epistemic limitations and how are they changing?
How can curricula keep up with the accelerating pace of technological change?
How do we develop an agenda for assessment reform in a way which is adequate to these challenges?
To what extent do existing definitions of 'malpractice' stand in the way of creative responses?
Should we reconsider what we are assessing and why?
How can we prepare students for a working world where generative AI is likely to be ubiquitous?
How will training for academic staff need to change in order to cope with the speed of technological developments?
What new systems and approaches could support more agile forms of knowledge sharing?
What are the potential implications for academic labour and professional autonomy?
Please note these are not hybrid events and they will not be recorded in order to encourage the sharing of provisional ideas. It is entirely face-to-face with the intention of building on our existing scoping event in March. There are a number of online initiatives we have planned over the coming months which will facilitate participation by those who cannot attend these events in person. Please only register if you intend to participate in person because we have a limited number of places available for each event, which we intend to offer in the order of registration.
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