On Wednesday 12 February 2025, the School of Biological Sciences will host its celebratory 'SBS Annual Event'.
This event is always a highlight in our School calendar, showcasing the numerous successes and achievements of the past year, and next year’s event will be held at a new venue - the Royal Northern College of Music (RNCM). The RNCM, acknowledged worldwide for its innovative approach to teaching and research, has superb purpose-built spaces for our 2025 event.
The day is a fantastic opportunity for academics, researchers, technicians, PS staff and PGR students to network with colleagues from across the School and wider Faculty while learning about our exciting research, teaching, and other initiatives. The morning presentations will showcase achievements in research, teaching, business engagement, and social responsibility from across the divisions, and the extended lunch time period will feature the second Year PGR student poster competition session and divisional lightning talks.
After lunch, we are delighted to have Professor Qing Jun Meng, the recipient of the 'Distinguished Achievement Medal – Researcher of the Year 2024', who will present his outstanding research and internationalisation work within the School and wider Faculty. We are also honoured to have Dr Adam Rutherford, a renowned writer, scientist and broadcaster, as our keynote speaker. Dr Rutherford will be sharing his expertise on the history of eugenics and race science, as well as science communication and genetics more broadly. The day will conclude with the PGR poster session award ceremony and a drinks reception.
Lunch and refreshments will be provided throughout the day. The event brochure including the timetable for the day and plenary sessions, will be circulated to all delegates prior to the event.
Please register your place here!
We look forward to seeing you on the 12th Feb!