Terraforming Tech City: place branding and spatial imaginaries in East London
Dates: | 25 April 2016 |
Times: | 13:00 - 14:00 |
What is it: | Seminar |
Organiser: | Manchester Institute of Innovation Research |
Venue opening hours: | 1-2pm (coffee from 12.30pm) |
Who is it for: | University staff, Adults, Alumni, Current University students, General public |
Speaker: | Max Nathan |
This paper performs a mixed-methods analysis of place-branding strategies developed in the ‘Tech City’ cluster initiative in Inner East London, drawing on ethnographic material, semi-structured interviews and visual content.
Using Jessop’s concept of the spatial imaginary, we explore key foundational geographies, trace the emergence of the ‘Silicon Roundabout’ and Tech City concepts between 2008 and 2014,
then discuss Tech City’s governance and progress, highlighting both day-to-day challenges and more basic tensions.
We contrast this experience with that of ‘Here East’, a new regeneration space across the city in the Olympic Park.
Due to preparation work for the MBS redevelopment project, access to the Harold Hankins building is no longer possible via the University Precinct Centre.
Please use the main entrance of MBS West (Building Number 29 on the Campus Map) and take the lifts to the left of the main reception desk to the 9th floor.
Turn left (‘access to Harold Hankins’ is signed) and go through the door at the end of the corridor and left through a second door into the stairwell.
Go down a half flight of stairs following the sign ‘access to Harold Hankins’ and through the door into the Harold Hankins building and along the corridor until you get to the main stairwell/lift lobby.
Take the stairs to the tenth floor then turn right to room 10.05.
Alternatively, if you are a member of the University you can email john.ashton-2@manchester.ac.uk for access to Harold Hankins building from the door on Booth Street West.
Max Nathan
Role: Senior Birmingham Fellow
Organisation: University of Birmingham
Travel and Contact Information
Find event
Alumni club room, Ground Floor
Alliance Manchester Business School West
Booth Street West