Colloquium: Machine learning and big scientific data: What can AI do for the facilities?
Professor Tony Hey, the Chief Data Scientist at the Science and Technology Facilities Council at Harwell, presented at the second University of Manchester at Harwell colloquium.
There is now broad recognition within the scientific community that the ongoing deluge of scientific data is fundamentally transforming academic research. Turing Award winner Jim Gray referred to this revolution as 'The Fourth Paradigm: Data Intensive Scientific Discovery’.
Researchers now need tools and technologies to manipulate, analyse, visualize, and manage vast amounts of research data. This talk reviewed the challenges posed by the explosive growth of experimental and observational data generated by large-scale facilities such as the Diamond Synchrotron and its integrated CryoEM Facilities (eBIC and ePSIC) at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory. Increasingly, scientists are beginning to use sophisticated machine learning and other AI technologies both to automate parts of the data pipeline and also to find new scientific discoveries in the deluge of experimental data. In particular, ‘Deep Learning’ neural networks have already transformed several areas of computer science and research scientists are now exploring their use in analysing their ‘Big Scientific Data’.
Event schedule
- 15:00-15:45: Prof Tony Hey - Machine Learning and Big Scientific Data: What can AI do for the Facilities?
- 15:45-16:00: Questions from the audience.
- 16:00-17:00: Buffet and drinks while networking / posters from the The University of Manchester at Harwell - R-22 Coffee Lounge.
Professor Tony Hey
Role: Chief Data Scientist
Organisation: Scientific Computing Department, STFC
Travel and Contact Information
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Pickavance Lecture Theatre
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Harwell Campus
Oxfordshire, OX11 0QX