Spring Tuesday Talks - at Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU).
Venue for Tuesday Talks on the 20,27 Jan and 10 Feb is:
Holden Gallery, MMU’s All Saints Campus.
11am – 12.30pm, FREE, no booking necessary.
The Tuesday Talks series are a collaboration between the Whitworth and Manchester Metropolitan University. While the Whitworth transforms into a 21st century gallery in the park, the talks will be held at MMU.
The Tuesday Talks invites leading artists, thinkers and curators to explore the driving forces, influences and sources of inspiration within contemporary art and is programmed by Professor Pavel Büchler and Bryony Bond.
Dates and details:
3 February
Mairéad McClean
Mairéad McClean’s work disrupts and restructures events from the past highlighting the unreliability of history which, once written, is not so easily altered. Through the use of sound, still and moving image, material evidence is re-opened and re-examined and a new vantage point is created. She is an award-winning filmmaker who has produced work around the themes of memory, identity and migration. Her most recent video No More, won the inaugural MAC International Art Prize in October 2014. It is the second biggest art prize outside the Turner Prize in the UK.
10 February
Tai Shani
Tai Shani works across performance, installation and film. Recent commissions include Dark Continent, made for the exhibition MIRRORCITY at the Hayward Gallery last year. Dark Continent imagined a city of women, a place that was ‘simultaneously internal and geographic, past and future, part ruin, part construction, existing between destruction and becoming.’ Other recent exhibitions and commissions include The Seven Darknesses, The Moving Museum's Open Heart Surgery; And of the Brimming Freeze Frame, The Arnolfini, Bristol; Anti-Antigone End time, FRAC Nord-Pas de Calais and Loop Festival, Barcelona; Music as Medium, Tate Shots commission, Tate Britain, and Last night I dreamt I was Venus… Barbican, London.
Each Tuesday from 20 January 2015 until 10 March 2015 inclusive - please note talks will be delivered in different venues as below.
Venue: MMU
Tuesday 20 January
Tuesday 27 January
Tuesday 10 February
Venue: The Whitworth
Tuesday 17 February
Tuesday 24 February
Tuesday 3 March
Tuesday 10 March
Venue location details:
The Holden Gallery,
Manchester Metropolitan University,
Grosvenor Building,
Cavendish Street,
M15 6BR
For the Whitworth
The Whitworth
The University of Manchester
Oxford Road
M15 6ER