Inside International Human Rights Bodies. How they work and how they think.
The seminar will provide a comparative analysis of the procedures of the European Court of Human Rights, the American Court of Human Rights and some of the United Nations treaty bodies in order to understand their role in the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms at the international level. It will then offer an overview of the approaches adopted by each of these bodies towards some trend topics on human rights.
Carina Calabria
PhD candidate at University of Manchester. Member of the project “The Sociology of the Transnational Constitution”, funded by the European Research Council and of MILC. She was a professional visitant in the Inter-American Court of Human Rights during the first semester of 2015.
Loredana Tassone
PhD, Council of Europe official trainer on Human Rights, former Lawyer at the European Court of Human Rights. She is also a member of MILC.
Sara De Vido
Assistant professor of International Law at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy, where she is vice director of the Centre for Human Rights. She is a visiting academic at Manchester University and also a member of MILC.
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