International Women's Day Celebrations | FMHS Celebration of Women through Time as Peacemakers
Host: Faculty of Medical and Human Sciences
About the event:
International Women’s Day Celebrations 2014
We will be celebrating past and present female students and staff, who have made a significant contribution to their School. To do this we will have workstations for each School within the Faculty of MHS.
We will have at least two women (an early-career researcher and a senior academic) on the workstation to chat to staff/students. Furthermore we will have a general stand with University-wide examples of instrumental women.
We will be working in collaboration with the Museum of Medicine and Health within the University we will have artefacts and exhibits on display throughout the event. These would include items from the Museum’s collection that are specifically related to women and women’s health.
Posters will be displayed throughout the event and some printed material (booklet/information pack) for people to take away will be available on the day with examples of role models and some personal stories.
The idea is to raise awareness and to celebrate women. Manchester City Council has a theme of 'Women as Peacemakers' (to coincide with the 100th anniversary of the First World War) and most of our activities will align with this as we are looking at the progression of women, reviewing changes in culture and celebrating women’s contributions past and present.
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