MRC Come & See Marc Abrahams - Improbable research & the Ig Nobel Prizes
Improbable research & the Ig Nobel Prizes
4-5pm (coffee & cake from 3.30)
The MRC Come & See has invited a renowned keynote speaker from the US: Ig Nobel founder Marc Abrahams. The Ig Nobel Prizes honour things that make people LAUGH, then THINK.
Every year, genuine Nobel laureates introduce ten new Ig Nobel winners, at Harvard University in the US.
The UK has been a prodigious producer of Ig Nobel winners. Join Ig Nobel founder Marc Abrahams - the nation's guru of academic grunge – as he brings us up to date.
Register here: Tickets are free (but limited):
Marc Abrahams
Role: Founder Ig Nobel Prizes and writer
Organisation: The Annals of Improbable Research
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