This is the first of a two-part lecture with Q&A, offered by artsmethods@manchester for PGRs.
This online training event is designed to help you revise completed research, such as in the form of an existing thesis chapter or conference paper, into a publishable article. This training is based on Wendy Belcher’s workbook Writing Your Journal Article in 12 Weeks, guiding you through successful techniques, approaches, and examples to planning, structuring, completing, and submitting a journal article. The training will be most helpful to participants who have a clear piece of work in mind that they can transform into publishable material – ideally over the 12-week winter period from November to February.
The session is specifically targeted for researchers in the advanced stages of their doctoral research and who are ready and willing to turn a well-developed piece of research (i.e., research for a chapter of your PhD, an expandable conference paper, or an MA essay that received a high grade) into an article.
This session will cover how to get started, selecting a journal, contacting a journal, reviewing the literature, pinpointing your intervention, and writing your abstract.
The second session will cover how to construct a work place, strengthening your structure, introductions, conclusions, the proofreading process, and submission.
Please note: both sessions will be delivered online via Zoom. You do not need a camera/microphone to participate.
NO REGISTRATION REQUIRED. Simply join on the day:
Zoom link:
Password: Methods
• Improved awareness of the journal article writing process, from getting started to submission.
• Enhanced knowledge of key approaches to each stage of the article writing process.
• Deeper understanding of tried and tested methods and strategies for students to utilise in their own writing process and fall back on when needed.
• A kick-start to writing your own journal article over the 12-week period from November to February.