Sporticipate Welcome
Dates: | 10 October 2015 |
Times: | 10:00 - 16:00 |
What is it: | Activity |
Organiser: | The University of Manchester |
How much: | Free |
Come along to the launch of Sporticipate 2015-16, a day of free sport activities at the Sugden Centre, for students and staff.
The University of Manchester, SPORT Manchester team was successful in securing funding from Sport England to provide a timetable of FREE sport and fitness, during term-time, to staff and students at The University of Manchester.
In addition to the weekly timetable of activities, there will be several events taking place on campus throughout the year.
The aim of this programme is to attract an additional 1700 students (and staff) to take part in physical activity each week. Are you someone who wants to be part of this? Reasons you might get involved could include: you want to give a new sport a go, you want to access sport on an informal 'no strings' basis or perhaps you want to play but don't want to pay!
This event is part of Wellbeing Week 2015 - a week of free events aiming to get students and staff to think about their wellbeing, to relax, to get active, to try something new - but most of all to help you to feel good and have some fun. See the website at for the full timetable of events.
Travel and Contact Information
Find event
Dual Usage Room – Ground Floor, The New Wellbeing Rooms
Simon Building