MICRA Annual Public Lecture
MICRA Annual Public Lecture
'Beyond the fiction and fear: finishing Alzheimer's for the future'
Peter Whitehouse
Co-author of ‘The Myth of Alzheimer’s’ (St Martin’s Press), Professor Whitehouse’s research interests include the neurobiology of what he used to refer to as Alzheimer’s disease. His work provides a challenge to clinical and social perspectives concerning Alzheimer’s, raising critical questions about conventional wisdoms and assumptions about growing old. Professor Whitehouse provides a new approach to understanding the ageing brain, linking this with an ethically-grounded vision of what it means to age well.
Please register online for this free event: http://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/lecture-beyond-the-fiction-and-fear-finishing-alzheimers-for-the-future-tickets-10413419819
Professor Peter Whitehouse
Role: Professor of Neurology
Organisation: Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, USA
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Lecture Theatre B
University Place