MHS Faculty Research Series | Speakers: Dr Rachel Lennon and Aghogho Odudu
Host: Institute of Human Development
About the event:
Senior speaker:
Rachel Lennon, Institute of Human Development - "Improving early detection of kidney disease"
Rachel is a Wellcome Trust Intermediate Clinical Fellow and Honorary Consultant Paediatric Nephrologist. Her research group is based in the Wellcome Trust Centre for Cell-Matrix Research and her main focus is glomerular disease, which is the leading cause of kidney failure worldwide. Specifically she aims to understand how the glomerular filtration barrier is formed, maintained during life and altered in disease with a particular focus on cell adhesion and extracellular matrix in the glomerulus. She also has a clinical research interest in acute kidney injury and her talk will describe how insights from basic and clinical research have the potential to improve early detection of kidney disease.
Junior speaker:
Aghogho Odudu, Institute of Cardiovascular Sciences : “Magnetic resonance imaging as a biomarker in kidney disease”.
Aghogho is a NIHR clinical lecturer and trainee nephrologist. His PhD studies with the University of Nottingham were funded by a British Heart Foundation Junior Fellowship using cardiac imaging to characterise heart disease in haemodialysis patients. He also conducted a clinical trial showing lower temperature might protect the heart and brain from ischaemic injury. He was awarded the University of Manchester’s Daniel Turnberg Cup for Trainee Academic Clinicians in 2014. He has been an active member of the NIHR cardiorenal clinical studies group since 2009. His interests are in the use of functional imaging as a biomarker to predict kidney disease progression.
Who's it for?
The monthly Faculty Research Series events are open to all staff and students from across the Faculty of Medical and Human Sciences and the University, offering an opportunity to celebrate research achievement and stimulate scientific interaction. Each month one host School or Institute from the Faculty will pair with a different School or Institute to highlight and showcase similar topics from different perspectives.
Held on Wednesday lunchtimes, each meeting lasts an hour, including two 20 minute presentations – one from a senior and one from a more junior member of Faculty staff. Each presentation will be followed by a short discussion. A buffet lunch will be available from 12.30. Presentations begin at 1pm.
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See a full list of Faculty Research Series dates.
Dr Rachel Lennon
Role: Wellcome Trust Intermediate Clinical Fellow
Organisation: Institute of Human Development, The University of Manchester
Aghogho Odudu
Role: NIHR Clinical Lecturer
Organisation: Institute of Cardiovascular Sciences, The University of Manchester
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Lecture Theatre
Michael Smith Building