Teresa Ko (Ursinus College): "Blackface and Black Press in 1920s Argentina"
Dates: | 3 March 2023 |
Times: | 17:00 - 18:30 |
What is it: | Seminar |
Organiser: | School of Arts, Languages and Cultures |
Speaker: | Chisu Teresa Ko |
Part of the Centre for Latin American and Caribbean Studies research seminar series.
This event will be online: https://zoom.us/j/95860231166
Abstract: This talk analyzes two sources that despite sharing the title Falucho reveal opposite and competing narratives of race, Blackness, and Argentineness in Argentina of the 1920s, a time when the notion of white-European homogeneity had taken root. The first Falucho is a play by Antonio de Botta and Antonio Bassi that premiered in Buenos Aires in 1923 featuring a famous actor in blackface. The second Falucho is a magazine--until now largely unknown to or unexamined by scholars--with the stated mission of defending the "people of color of South America." Published in the late 1920s by La Protectora, one of the oldest and longest-lasting Afro-Argentine mutual aid societies, the magazine Falucho reveals Black Argentines' perspectives and trajectories long thought to be impossible or inexistent as well as rejects the racist images projected by the likes of the play Falucho on the popular theater stage.
Chisu Teresa Ko
Role: Associate Professor of Spanish
Organisation: Ursinus College
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