The Future of Surgical Research in the North West
Dates: | 28 March 2019 |
Times: | 13:30 - 17:00 |
What is it: | Workshop |
Organiser: | Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health |
Who is it for: | University staff |
Are you:
- A surgical trainee or consultant?
- Interested in progressing your surgical research career?
- Motivated to learn more about the importance and development of clinical trials?
If so, the North West Surgical Trials Centre is once again running its free afternoon workshop that is ideal for your career development.
This KEY EVENT will feature inspiring talks from:
- Phil Brown – ABHI Director of Technical and Regulatory matters
- Niels Peek - Professor of Health Informatics
- Matt Costa - RCSEng Surgical Study Lead - Orthopaedics
- Stuart McIntosh - RCSEng Surgical Study Lead - Breast
- Sarah Duff and Dale Vimalachandran - LCRN leads for Surgery
- David Ormesher - Researcher in a ‘Big Data’ trial
- Enthusiastic Surgical Researchers like you who have developed projects and achieved research funding with NWSTC assistance
This is a FREE EVENT, but booking is essential.
Register at:
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Parking, lunch and refreshments are with our compliments.
Venue is conveniently located for motorway and rail networks.
Travel and Contact Information
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The Centre
Birchwood Park