'Facing the challenges of improving maternal mental health and the mother-baby-relationship in MBU setting: insights from the IMAgINE study'
This event will showcase the research undertaken in two mother and baby units (MBUs) across England and present the results from the NIHR-funded IMAgINE study. The event, hosted by the University of Manchester, will include presentations by Dr Anja Wittkowski, Paula Duxbury, Andrew Gumley and others. This dissemination event is free and open to stakeholders, academics and clinicians.
The event includes lunch and refreshments.
10:00 Welcome and coffee
10:15 Team introduction
10:25 What a Mother and Baby Unit is like
10:40 Parenting and mental health difficulties: Experiences of a MBU service user
10:50 What are the IMAgINE study and Baby Triple P?
11:15 Coffee break (snacks provided)
11:30 IMAgINE study results – Is Baby Triple P feasible? Is it acceptable? Is there an indicator of its cost-effectiveness?
12:30 Discussion of future directions and questions
12:45 Lunch break (lunch provided)
13:15 Sharing expertise and knowledge in advancing future research and the evidence base
14:00 Concluding remarks: Challenges of implementing interventions in mental health settings (TBC)
14:10 Concluding remarks: Benefits of implementing parenting interventions in mental health settings (TBC)
14:20 IMAgINE study final comments
14:30 End of the session
To RSVP please register via Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/facing-the-challenges-of-improving-mother-and-baby-outcomes-in-mbu-settings-tickets-59386560802 by 1 May 2019.
Please direct any questions about the event to Paula Duxbury: paula.duxbury@gmmh.nhs.uk