Technical Excellence at Manchester - Technical Staff Trip to Sheffield: Workplace accessibility for technical staff
As Disability Pride month is coming to a close, we'd like to share further events to help us support and consider our technical colleagues.
There's a superb event planned very soon: A day out at Sheffield Hallam University on 6 September. The event looks at making the workplace more accessible for technical staff regardless of background.
There's also a photography competition, lots of exhibitors and a free lunch. Not only that event itself is free!
There's an Eventbrite link to sign up: Technical Services: A Workplace For Everybody
If you get back in touch us via then Technical Excellence at Manchester will make arrangements for transport, with train tickets or a minibus depending on numbers.
Also, let us know if they have mobility requirements which might affect the kind of transport we might organise. We need your expressions of interest as soon as possible and will be finalising a deadline for expressing interest over the next week.
Please do let us know as soon as you can in order to help us organise this. Thank you.
Travel and Contact Information
Find event
Sheffield Hallam University
Heartspace Atrium
Howard Street S1 1WB