This is an introductory course, covering the concepts, methods and data analysis techniques of social network analysis. The course is based on the book "Analyzing Social Networks" by Borgatti et al. (Sage) and all participants will be issued with a copy of the book. The course begins with a general introduction to the distinct goals and perspectives of social network analysis, followed by a practical discussion of network data, covering issues of collection, validity, visualization, and mathematical/computer representation. We then take up the methods of detection and description of structural properties, such as centrality, cohesion, subgroups and positional analysis techniques. This is a hands on course largely based around the use of UCINET software, and will give participants experience of analyzing real social network data using the techniques covered in the workshop. No prior knowledge of social network analysis is assumed for this course.
Course objectives
The course will:
Introduce the idea of Social Network Analysis
Explain how to describe and visualise networks using specialist software (UCINET)
Explain key concepts of Social Network Analysis (e.g. Cohesion, Brokerage).
Provide hands-on training to use software to investigate social network structure
Course timetable
Day one
Introduction to Social Network Analysis, terminology and the software UCINET/Netdraw. Chapters 1 and 2
Day two
Morning - Collecting social network data and research design. Chapters 3 and 4
Afternoon - Data management and visualisation. Chapters 5 and 7
Day three
Morning - Multivariate techniques and whole networks. Chapters 6 and 9.
Afternoon - Centrality and ego networks. Chapters 10 and 15.
Day four
Morning - Equivalence and core-periphery. Chapter 12
Afternoon - Subgroups and two-mode networks. Chapters 11 and 13
Day five
Morning - Testing hypothesis and large networks. Chapters 8 and 14.
Chapter numbers refer to the book "Analyzing Social Networks) by Borgatti et al. (Sage). Timetable is subject to change.
Course presenters
The course will be presented by Martin Everett, Nick Crossley and Elisa Bellotti.
Martin Everett holds a Chair in Social Network Analysis in the School of Social Sciences at the University of Manchester. After he was awarded his DPhil in Oxford, he worked at East London, Westminster and Greenwich universities. He joined the University of Manchester in 2009, where he helped co-found the Mitchell centre for social network analysis. Martin is a co-author of the software package UCINET and has made significant contributions to methods for social network analysis.
Nick Crossley is professor of sociology at the University of Manchester. His main work using social network analysis has focused upon music worlds, social movements and covert networks. He has also written extensively about 'relational sociology', a theoretical position which advocates a focus upon networks in sociology. His most recent book is Networks of Sound, Style and Subversion: the Punk and Post-Punk Worlds of Manchester, London, Liverpool and Sheffield, 1975-1976 (Manchester University Press).
Prior or recommended knowledge/reading/skills
None required but it would be useful to read Scott, J (2000) Social Network Analysis: A Handbook. Sage.
Software to be used
UCINET and Netdraw. It is useful for participants to bring their own laptops running windows (Macs will need to have a PC emulator) and to have downloaded the software in advance. This can be done for a free period of time from Analytictech website.
Booking is now open for the Summer School 2017.
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If you are based at the University of Manchester and your fee is being paid by your department please complete the booking form and contact us to arrange an internal journal transfer.