Lovell Lecture, Rosetta - Countdown to Landing
Dates: | 23 October 2014 |
Times: | 19:30 - 21:00 |
What is it: | Lecture |
Organiser: | Jodrell Bank |
How much: | 8.00
/ 6.00 |
Who is it for: | University staff, Adults, Current University students, General public |
Rosetta - Countdown to Landing
Professor Ian Wright, Professor of Planetary Sciences at the Open University
10 years ago, Rosetta left the Earth on a mission to rendezvous with a comet and then to place a small lander on its surface. After a period in hibernation, the 2-part spacecraft (Rosetta/Philae) successfully woke up in January earlier this year. And as it began its approach towards 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko it became apparent that the shape of its intended target was more complex than anticipated; indeed, it appeared to resemble a rubber duck. But there's no turning back. The primary landing site has now been selected and by the time of this talk we will be bracing ourselves for a landing attempt in mid-November.
People study comets for all kinds of different reasons; my interest is in their chemical composition. I will explain my involvement in the mission and outline some of the overarching objectives of the venture.
Professor Ian Wright is Principal Investigator on the Ptolemy instrument on the Philae lander of Rosetta.
Time: 7.30pm to 9.00pm
Tickets – Adult £8.00, Concession £6.00. Please call 01477 571 766 to book tickets.
Pre-event dining
Our award winning cafe will be serving delicious pre-lecture dinners. Sittings are at 6.00pm, 6.15pm 6.30pm and 6.45pm.
See our exclusive menu below and indulge in an evening treat.
Pan fried Gurnard with spicy sausage and lentils (£13.50)
Marinated pork tenderloin with Choucroute and bacon (£13.50)
Roast squash & sage linguine, salted walnuts & parmesan (£9.50)
Please email to make a booking, and confirm your preferred sitting and choice of dishes above. Please note that space is limited to 50 people.
The cafe will be open for light refreshments to non diners.
Price: 8.00
Concessions: 6.00
Travel and Contact Information
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Jodrell Bank Discovery Centre