Introducing Spatial Presentation and Analysis
Dates: | 16 November 2015 |
Times: | All day |
What is it: | Course |
Organiser: | School of Social Sciences |
How much: | £195
/ £140 |
Who is it for: | University staff, Adults, Alumni, Current University students, General public |
This one day course is designed to introduce participants to preparing, presenting and analysing spatial data. The course uses Microsoft Excel and open source application QGIS 2.10, a geographical information system and OpenGeoDa 1.6, an open source spatial analysis program. It is assumed that
participants can use Excel to manipulate a simple dataset. No prior experience
of QGIS or OpenGeoDa is required. We will also introduce you to an application to produce cartogram boundaries. This will enable you
to produce a map with boundaries redrawn to reflect the density of an
underlying variable such as population or number of households. The course
uses freely available boundary data and population counts from the UK 2011
The course will cover both the theoretical and practical sides of GIS, showing
you how to get data, load it in to QGIS, perform some analysis and create a
publication quality map showing this analysis. We will particularly look at
spatial autocorrelation (how much a variable correlates over space), spatial
clustering (identifying hotspots of the population by ethnicity, class, household
type or age) and spatial regression to explore the associations of other
characteristics such as tenure.
Price: £195
Concessions: £140
Travel and Contact Information
Find event
Basement computer lab
Humanities Bridgeford Street