GPE Research Cluster with Simone Claar: South African class relations and international trade
Dates: | 27 March 2019 |
Times: | 15:00 - 16:30 |
What is it: | Seminar |
Organiser: | School of Social Sciences |
How much: | FREE |
Please join the GPE Research Cluster for Simone Claar's "South African class relations and international trade"
The South African government freely joined the negotiations of an Economic Partnership Agreement between the region and European Union in 2006. At the end of 2007, they rejected signing the interim EPA. From 2010 to 2014 the South African government rejoined the trade talks and brought back a new trade agreement. In October 2016 it entered provisionally into force. How can we explain the contradictory negotiation process? In the presentation, the black box of the negotiation process based on a historical materialist framework will open up. A class analysis focused on selected trade issues sheds light on the divergent roles of various classes and their dynamics over time.
Dr. Simone Claar is a post-doctoral researcher at the Department of Political Science. She leads together with Dr. Franziska Müller a BMBF funded junior research group “GLOCALPOWER: funds & tools for a glocal renewable energy transition.” Her current research focuses on "African capitalism and the state in the global economy’, which investigates the contemporary mechanism of African capitalisms as well as its interrelation to green capitalism and development. Simone researched different settings in Southern Africa, in particular, South Africa (Centre of Civil Society, South African Institute of International Affairs and University of Pretoria) and Zambia.
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