Annual Politics and International Relations Undergraduate Research Conference with support from the student team at Juncture, The University of Manchester Undergraduate Politics Journal 2023
We are delighted to announce the call for papers for the 2023 Politics & IR Student Research Conference.
The aim of the conference is to showcase the best undergraduate research in Politics & IR at the University of Manchester, to encourage students to think of themselves as researchers and to experience academic research first hand.
All Politics students are welcome to apply to present their work. We are committed to encouraging diversity at the conference and we would specifically like to encourage papers from BAME students and other under-represented members of the Politics Learning Community.
The conference is scheduled for 10am-3pm on Tuesday 9 May.
Contributions are welcome on any topic within Politics and IR (broadly defined). In previous years the majority of the paper proposals have been based upon final year projects or dissertations but other research based proposals are welcome. Each paper proposal will be viewed on its merits by the organising committee.
In order to participate all that is needed now is a title, short abstract (a 200 word summary of your research), and your name and contact details. Please email this to Stuart Shields ( by Monday 1st May.
Participants will be expected to submit a written paper (normally 5,000-10,000 words) by Friday 5th May This can be a version of your dissertation, politics project, or a research essay.
The papers accepted onto the conference will be arranged into panels of 3-5 students, organised by topic. On the day of the conference itself you will have 10-15 minutes to present your research, and there will be Q&A from the audience.
It’s always a friendly environment and a supportive opportunity to discuss your research with others students and your teachers. It is a celebration of your research, rather than a test, so please propose a paper, come along and see what other students have been doing research on.
The conference will include a voluntary session for second year Politics students on how to start thinking about a final year dissertation.
Attendance at the conference will be free. Refreshments and lunch will be provided.