Invitation to attend a workshop on new approaches to dementia
The University of Manchester has been successful in securing funding for MRC Momentum awards: Institutional pump-priming awards for dementia research providing £750,000 in total funds available. The purpose of this rapid action call is to boost the UoM’s research base in biomedical science, in readiness for the new UK Dementias Research Institute. MRC Momentum awards are pump-priming awards for biomedical neurodegeneration / dementia-related research.
The aim of this Momentum Award is to unlock UoM’s untapped potential for biomedical dementias research, open up new scientific areas, encourage innovative high risk projects, and bring high level expertise and novel ideas/technologies from other disciplines (e.g. nanomedicine, materials, bioengineering, vascular biology, cell matrix biology, physics, health informatics, etc) in to the dementia field. Through bringing new ways of thinking and new approaches across disciplinary interfaces we aim to open up new scientific avenues for dementias research, involving novel science and technology, and the creation of enabling platforms.
We will allocate this funding across a small number of projects (approx. 8) with particular emphasis on bringing new approaches to dementia research aligned with our areas of key strengths in proteostasis dysfunction, neuroinflammation, neurovascular dysfunction, cognitive-clinical neuroscience and neuroimaging, and discovery of endotypes, targets and biomarkers. Priority will be given to projects that bring innovative science, new approaches and/or someone new to dementia research and which are cross-disciplinary, involve new technology and/or create enabling infrastructure.
In order to facilitate such cross-disciplinary interaction we are holding a workshop on the 1st November at 14:00 – 17:00, please register for the workshop. When you register there will be the option to indicate whether you would like to give a 5-10 min pitch outlining the dementia research problem you wish to tackle or the technology/science that you can bring to tackle potential projects.
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