Workshop: Randomised trials of complex interventions in mental health
Host: Institute of Population Health
About the event:
This one day workshop will introduce participants to the latest research in statistical methodology to evaluate markers in randomised trials of complex interventions in mental health. Broadly speaking, this research aims to answer four questions about complex interventions/treatments:
- Does it work? Is there a beneficial effect of the treatment compared with some other treatment or treatment as usual?
- How does it work? What are the underlying mechanisms or targets of the treatment?
- Who does it work for? Are there subgroups of people who benefit most? Could the treatment be targeted to particular subgroups of the population?
- What factors make it work better?
A summary of this research has recently been published in: Dunn G, Emsley R, Liu H, Landau S, Green J, White I, Pickles A. Evaluation and validation of social and psychological markers in randomised trials of complex interventions in mental health: a methodological research programme (2015). Health Technology Assessment, volume 19, number 93.
The report can be downloaded here.
Please register via Eventbrite.
Professor Sabine Landau
Organisation: Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, KCL
Dr Ian White
Organisation: MRC Biostatistics Unit
Dr Richard Emsley
Organisation: Centre for Biostatistics, The University of Manchester
Professor Graham Dunn
Organisation: Centre for Biostatistics, The University of Manchester
Professor Jonathan Green
Organisation: Centre for Developmental Science, The University of Manchester
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Lecture Theatre A
University Place