Brave New World 2014 is the eighteenth annual postgraduate conference organised by the Manchester Centre for Political Theory (MANCEPT). The conference will take place on Thursday 12th and Friday 13th of June 2014 at the University of Manchester.
We are pleased to announce that our keynote speakers this year will be:
• David Archard (Queen’s University, Belfast): ‘What has Political Philosophy got to do with the Real World?’
• Bob Goodin (ANU & Essex): ‘Complicity'
The Brave New World conference series is a leading international forum dedicated to the discussion of postgraduate research in political theory. Participants will have the chance to meet and talk about their work with eminent academics, including members of faculty from the University of Manchester as well as the guest speakers who will deliver plenary addresses.
Guest speakers in previous years have included: Richard Arneson, Brian Barry, Simon Caney, G.A. Cohen, Roger Crisp, Cecile Fabre, Jerry Gaus, Peter Jones, Chandran Kukathas, Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen, Susan Mendus, David Miller, Onora O’Neill, Michael Otsuka, Bhikhu Parekh, Carole Pateman, Anne Phillips, Thomas Pogge, Joseph Raz, Andrea Sangiovanni, Samuel Sheffler, Quentin Skinner, Hillel Steiner, Adam Swift, Philippe Van Parijs, Leif Wenar, Andrew Williams and Jonathan Wolff.
All delegate fees include refreshments and lunch on Thursday and Friday.
There will be a conference dinner on Thursday 12th June which is available for an additional £30.