Rules, Inconsistencies and Nonmonotonicity
Dates: | 7 March 2012 |
Times: | 14:00 - 15:30 |
What is it: | Seminar |
Speaker: Professor Andrzej Szalas. University of Warsaw
Host: Renate Schmidt
In this talk I will present an ongoing work on 4QL, a recently developed rule-based query language with negation allowed in bodies and heads of rules. 4QL allows for incomplete and inconsistent information and provides a simple to use and uniform framework for rule-based reasoning both monotonic and nonmonotonic. The constructs specific to 4QL are modules and external literals. They appear powerful enough to express:
- Open and Local Closed World Assumption (thus also Closed World Assumption),
- lightweight versions of other nonmonotonic/commonsense formalisms, including variants of default reasoning, autoepistemic reasoning, circumscriptive reasoning, etc.
- application-specific disambiguation of inconsistent information, including defeasible reasoning.
4QL is tractable w.r.t. data complexity and captures all tractable queries. It is therefore well-suited for applications making use of commonsense reasoning techniques.
The talk is based on joint work by Jan Maluszynski and myself.
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Kilburn Lecture Theatre 1.4
Kilburn Building