Fellowship application development advice sessions: Monday 8th October
Dates: | 25 September 2018 |
Times: | All day |
What is it: | Activity |
Organiser: | Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health |
Who is it for: | University staff |
If you're thinking about applying for an external fellowship then a 1-2-1 fellowship clinic can be a great help. Discuss your fellowship opportunities with a senior academic, get advice on a specific application as you develop it or simply chat about what your next step might be. Researchers in the past have given very positive feedback about the clinics and have found that 10-15 minutes is enough for an ideal session, and you can attend further sessions as your idea or application develops.
Next available sessions:
Slots are available on Monday 8th October with Professor Neil Hanley https://www.eventbrite.com/e/monday-8th-october-slots-between-1145-1245pm-professor-neil-hanley-tickets-50442179918
All sessions take place on the main University campus; full details are provided upon booking.
Full list of available session dates with booking: http://www.staffnet.manchester.ac.uk/bmh/research/funding-and-applications/support-with-fellowships/clinic/
5th October: Professor Bill Deakin
Monday 8th October: Professor Neil Hanley
Tuesday 23rd October: Professor Karina Lovell
Monday 12th November: Professor Neil Hanley
Wednesday 14th November: Dr Penny Bee
Tuesday 27th November: Professor Bill Deakin
Monday 3rd December: Professor Neil Hanley
2019 clinics
Tuesday 29th January: Professor Bill Deakin
Tuesday 26th February: Professor Bill Deakin
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