Participatory autism research: Opportunities and challenges
Participatory autism research: Opportunities and challenges
Thursday 4 April, 6 – 7pm
Participatory autism research: Opportunities and challenges
In the autism research field, there is growing recognition of the need to conduct research 'with', as opposed to 'on', 'about' or 'for', autistic people and their families (see Pellicano, Charman & Dinsmore, 2014). Despite calls for greater autistic participation in research (e.g., Fletcher-Watson et al., 2018), there is much uncertainty regarding the practicalities and utility of such an approach. In this talk, Dr Laura Crane will discuss participatory autism research, focusing specifically on a co-produced research project examining mental health in young autistic people. She will also discuss some of the perceived challenges of participatory working in the autism field, based on interview data collected from established and early career autism researchers in the UK.
Dr Laura Crane is Associate Professor and Deputy Director at the Centre for Research in Autism and Education (CRAE) University College London.
This Autism@Manchester Seminar is in celebration of Autism Awareness Week and is part of “Quiet Night at the Museum – After Hours
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