International Law and WWI - A Law Professor at the Supreme Command: Enrico Catellani and Italy's claims for war reparations
International Law and WWI - A Law Professor at the Supreme Command: Enrico Catellani and Italy's claims for war reparations
In the historiography of WWI, overlooking Italy has become a commonplace. The language barrier only partially explains the still limited attention to the Italian front. The lecture seeks to look at the Italian conception of jus in bello, from the peculiar viewpoint of the exceptional and tragic figure of Enrico Catellani, member of the Institut de droit international, Professor of international law at the University of Padua, the war capital city (capitale al fronte), and legal adviser at the Supreme Command. In 1917, Catellani published the book ‘Italy and Austria at War’ in Italian, with translations in English and French. The pamphlet, which was reviewed both in the RGDIP and the AJIL, was aimed at offering “more accurate information as to the striking differences between the methods of the Italian troops and those of the enemy”. It was an attempt to give an overview of the breaches of the rules of warfare committed by the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Interestingly, the book constituted more than a source of inspiration for the Report of the Royal Commission of inquiry on the breaches of the law of nations committed by the enemy. In this lecture, Dr Mirko Sossai will put that book in the wider context of Catellani’s work during WWI: particularly, his inaugural address for the academic year 1915/16 and a later article on “the bankruptcy of prophets and the League of Nations” published in 1919.
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Dr Mirko Sossai
Role: Lecturer
Organisation: University of Roma TRE
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