SHS Teaching and Learning Showcase - Designing Interdisciplinary Electronic Health Record Skills Education
Dates: | 18 May 2023 |
Times: | 11:00 - 12:30 |
What is it: | Workshop |
Organiser: | Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health |
Who is it for: | University staff |
Speaker: | Ang Davies, Kurt Wilson, Fatima Nadeem |
A week long series of workshops and sessions celebrating excellent teaching and learning practice within the School of Health Sciences, 15 - 19 May 2023.
Details of all sessions along with registration links can be found on the Showcase website.
Designing Interdisciplinary Electronic Health Record Skills Education
The role of the EHR has changed hugely, from being simply an aide memoire for clinicians to a tool for communication between healthcare professionals (HCPs), audit, reimbursement, prescribing, and recently communicating with patients themselves. HCP education has not kept pace with digital innovation in the NHS and needs to change to adopt the digital technologies used in practice. This was highlighted in the Topol review identifying that the NHS “needs to make sure that the education and training for future staff equips them with their full potential in the technology enhanced NHS.”
Colleagues within the Faculty of Biology Medicine and Health have worked with national working groups to establish competency frameworks for artificial intelligence, digital medicine and electronic patient records. Highlighting that future HCPs need to be given the opportunity to develop the competencies to access data, generate data, communicate, and work with other HCPs in the context of technology. Embedding these competencies within educational design will equip the future workforce for a fully digitised healthcare environment.
Inclusion of an authentic EHR in undergraduate healthcare education is necessary to develop these competencies, and we are also exploring the donation of real patient data for use in teaching.
Who Should Participate? All educators involved in designing and delivering undergraduate healthcare programmes.
Register to attend
Ang Davies
Organisation: UoM
Kurt Wilson
Organisation: UoM
Fatima Nadeem
Organisation: UoM
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Stopford Building