Undergraduate Friday open day - Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering
Join us for our undergraduate open day to find out more about the challenges, opportunities and rewards of academic and social life at The University of Manchester. Come and explore our bustling campus and exciting city for yourself.
For the full programme please download our open day app where you'll be able to create a bespoke itinerary for your visit. By using the app you can select accommodation and campus tours and other subject specific activities including:
10am - 3:30pm
Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering stand, Schuster Builder, Foyer
10am - 3:30pm
Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering lab tours and demonstrations, George Begg Building
10am (30 mins)
Mechanical and Aerospace talk, Roscoe Building, Theatre B
10am and 12:30pm (30 mins)
Civil Engineering talk, Schuster Building, Blackett Lecture Theatre
11am, 12pm and 1pm (30 mins)
Mechanical and Aerospace talk, Schuster Building, Bragg Lecture Theatre
To download the app just search 'UoM open days' in the Google Play Store or Apple App store.
Registration is now open!
This event is also taking place on Saturday 22 June 2019.
Travel and Contact Information
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George Begg Building