Centre for Primary Care Seminar - Judith Johnson - How is healthcare staff burnout and wellbeing linked with patient care, and what can we do about it?
Dates: | 17 December 2019 |
Times: | 14:00 - 15:00 |
What is it: | Seminar |
Organiser: | Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health |
Who is it for: | University staff, Current University students |
Speaker: | Dr Judith Johnson |
Join us in this interesting seminar, by our external speaker Dr Judith Johnson from the University of Leeds, around staff burnout and patient care.
Around a quarter of UK doctors are experiencing burnout and broader workforce surveys suggest that stress has been steadily increasing in NHS staff since 2010. Eighteen thousand staff left in 2018-19 citing poor work-life balance as their main reason compared with around 8000 in 2012-13; over a two-fold increase. In addition to contributing to the current workforce crisis, elevated stress and burnout has implications for patient care. This talk will present recent studies exploring the nature and strength of the relationship between staff burnout and patient care and will consider the mechanisms underlying this link. It will also consider potential routes forward, questioning whether a conceptual shift is needed in the worlds of research and practice. Finally, the controversial issue of staff ‘resilience’ will be considered and results from a recent resilience-building intervention will be presented.
All are welcome to attend but please register by emailing CPC.seminar.series@manchester.ac.uk
Dr Judith Johnson
Role: Clinical Psychologist and Lecturer
Organisation: University of Leeds, and the Bradford Institute for Health Research
Travel and Contact Information
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Seminar Room 1, 5th floor
Williamson Building