We are delighted to invite you to celebrate the work of our colleagues during an informal book launch event. Several books have been published since the pandemic and this is a chance to learn more about them.
There will be drinks and nibbles, and some of the authors will give a short introduction to their book, with an opportunity for Q&A during mingling.
There is no need to sign up. We look forward to seeing you there.
Books that are part of the launch:
• Brexitland: identity, diversity and the reshaping of British politics, by Robert Ford and Maria Sobolewska
• The British General Election of 2019, co-authored by Robert Ford
• When the Nerds Go Marching In: How Digital Technology Moved from the Margins to the Mainstream of Political
• Campaigns, by Rachel Gibson
• Women, Men, and Elections: Policy Supply and Gendered Voting Behaviour in Western Democracies, by Rosalind Shorrocks
• The Cameron-Clegg Coalition and Britain’s Role in the World: Austerity, Continuity, and Change, by Timothy Oliver
• Substate Dictatorship: Networks, Loyalty, and Institutional Change in the Soviet Union, by Yoram Gorlizki
• Pure and True: The everyday politics of ethnicity for China’s Hui Muslims, by David Stroup
• Disappearances and Police Killings in Contemporary Brazil: The politics of life and death, by Sabrina Villenave
• Justice and Egalitarian Relations, Christian Schemmel