Professor Frederic Lemaigre ( will be visiting the University of Manchester on Friday 14th February and giving a seminar as part of the Endocrinology & Diabetes seminar programme. His group studies the molecular and cellular mechanisms that govern development of the liver and pancreas and has published several key publications in this area (see below).
Frederic's talk on Friday is primarily on his work in liver however he also has an active pancreas development research group. Details of his talk are below and if anyone would like to speak with Frederic on Friday please email karen Piper Hanley (
Location: AV Hill Building seminar room (1st floor)
Time: 1-2pm
Title: Mechanisms of hepatic cell development: importance for understanding disease
Selected publications:
Laudadio I, Manfroid I, Achouri Y, Schmidt D, Wilson MD, Cordi S, Thorrez L, Knoops L, Jacquemin P, Schuit F, Pierreux CE, Odom DT, Peers B, Lemaigre FP. A feedback loop between the liver-enriched transcription factor network and miR-122 controls hepatocyte differentiation. Gastroenterology. 2012, 142:119-29.
Carpentier R, Suñer RE, van Hul N, Kopp JL, Beaudry JB, Cordi S, Antoniou A, Raynaud P, Lepreux S, Jacquemin P, Leclercq IA, Sander M, Lemaigre FP. Embryonic ductal plate cells give rise to cholangiocytes, periportal hepatocytes, and adult liver progenitor cells. Gastroenterology. 2011, 141:1432-38.
Antoniou A, Raynaud P, Cordi S, Zong Y, Tronche F, Stanger BZ, Jacquemin P, Pierreux CE, Clotman F, Lemaigre FP. Intrahepatic bile ducts develop according to a new mode of tubulogenesis regulated by the transcription factor SOX9. Gastroenterology. 2009, 136:2325-33.