Manchester Algebra Seminar - Edward Jones-Healey - Twists of rational Cherednik algebras
Dates: | 9 June 2020 |
Times: | 14:00 - 15:00 |
What is it: | Seminar |
Organiser: | Department of Mathematics |
Who is it for: | University staff, Current University students |
Speaker: Edward Jones-Healey - University of Manchester
Title: Twists of rational Cherednik algebras
Abstract: Rational Cherednik algebras arose as degenerations of Cherednik’s double affine Hecke algebras, with both types of algebras finding applications to representation theory, combinatorics and integrable systems. Recently rational Cherednik algebras were found to be special cases of a broader class of braided Cherednik algebras. We motivate this generalisation by showing how the groups from which these algebras are built from satisfy a more general problem coming from invariant theory. In the case of rational Cherednik algebras these groups are the complex reflection groups. Finally I introduce the Drinfeld twist, a mechanism for deforming algebras, and give a new result for twisting rational Cherednik algebras into certain braided Cherednik algebras.
Place: Zoom
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