You are kindly invited to our next PEM/MUI Research Seminar taking place on Wednesday, February 8, 2023, 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm at ALB, G.035/35.
Dr Joe Ravetz, lead, Future-Wise Cities Programme at the MUI, will deliver a presentation on an interesting concept entitled "Future-wise cities: towards a ‘collective urban intelligence’ in planning and environmental management". Please find the attached abstract.
Cities are the hubs of transformations such as low carbon, social justice and economic resilience. Such changes are generally inter-connected (social, technical, economic, political, cultural): complex and dynamic (beyond simplistic solutions): and often controversial (multiple actors with conflicting agendas).
In response, an agenda for the ‘collective urban intelligence’ has emerged – broadly, mutual learning, communication, co-creation and co-production: with a wider community of interest, deeper layers of value, and further horizons of transformation. This is an agenda for ongoing research / development in the interactive Mind-Lab, with a source text in Deeper-City: Collective-Intelligence-and-the-Pathways-from-Smart-to-Wise
This presentation sketches the concept and demonstrates the application with three topical cases:
• Peri-urban futures: the UKRI-funded project Peri-cene explored the nature of the ‘space between and beyond’, and co-created ‘adaptive pathways’ with 21 cities around the world.
• Learning loop futures: the JPI funded project Looper (with follow-ons), developed models for experimental co-design and participative governance, for local problems such as air quality, safety, health, crime and greenspace.
• Net-zero futures: the Green new deal 3.0 program explores how to generate the synergies between economic, social and net-zero goals in UK cities and elsewhere.
Each of these shows viable pathways for not only one-off solutions, but the potential of ‘collective urban intelligence’ for the urban challenges ahead.