Archaeology & Science; Koma Figurines and CT Scanning
Wed 16 April: Archaeology & Science; Koma Figurines and CT Scanning
Followed by an opportunity to create your own clay figurines
Join Dr Sharon Fraser, as she tells us about the exciting and intriguing discoveries made by CT scanning and the insight this can give us into life in the past. Sharon will talk about this in relation to the Koma figurines in the Fragmentary Ancestors: Figurines from Koma Land, Ghana, exhibition, 25 October 2013 – 4 May 2014. Sharon originally studied geology at the University of Manchester and then went on to study for a PhD looking at the composition of archaeological beads and glass and how this can help to show where artefacts came from. She continues to work at the university as an Honorary Research Fellow using scientific techniques to help study archaeological artefacts. She will also explain a bit about other projects she has been involved with such as looking at medicine clays and pottery from Ghana and the CT scanning of Worsley man.
Drop-in, free, family, ages 7plus
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Manchester Museum
Oxford Road
Phone: 0161-2752648