Logic seminar: Soinbhe Nic Dhonncha (University of Manchester)
Dates: | 31 May 2023 |
Times: | 15:15 - 16:15 |
What is it: | Seminar |
Organiser: | Department of Mathematics |
Who is it for: | University staff, External researchers, Adults, Alumni, Current University students |
Title: Chains of R-modules
Abstract: The model theory of modules extends naturally to certain functor categories. One such category is that in which the objects can be thought of as (biinfinite) chains of R-modules. This raises the question of how the objects and morphisms of (model theoretic) interest in this category relate to those of Mod R. In the simplest case, we take R to be von Neumann regular.
Travel and Contact Information
Find event
Frank Adams 1 (and zoom, link in email)
Alan Turing Building