Quatuor Danel Evening Concert
Dates: | 20 January 2012 |
Times: | 19:30 - 19:30 |
What is it: | Music concert |
Organiser: | Martin Harris Centre |
How much: | £13.50
/ £8 / £4 |
Beethoven Quartet in G, Op. 18 No. 2
Hindemith Quartet No. 4, Op. 22
Tchaikovsky Quartet No. 2 in F, Op. 22
Beethoven with all the balletic poise of Tchaikovsky; Hindemith with all the profundity of Beethoven; Tchaikovsky with all the chromatic contrapuntal ingenuity of Hindemith. An ear- and mind-opening experience.
Price: £13.50
Concessions: £8 / £4
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The Cosmo Rodewald Hall
Martin Harris Centre for Music and Drama